museum    s.a.m.



In Memory of 215

​Indigenous children found in a mass grave, Kamloops, British Columbia

S. A. M. Newsletter 2023

​​​​Things You Need To Bring if Applicable if you are a Native American Indian

List of Documents Needed for Medicaid and Marketplace Enrollment

Medicaid Applicants: Bring the following documents:

• Photo identification card

• United States Birth Certificate and/or Certificate Degree of Indian Blood

• Social Security card

• Medicare card, supplemental insurance cards, other health insurance cards if applicable;

• Marriage certificate, divorce papers, or death certificate for spouse, if applicable

• Veteran discharge document for applicant and/or spouse

• Copies of all Guardianship or Power of Attorney documents

• Residency verification showing county of residence

• Documentation of the source of all income including Social Security, interest, and/or royalties

• Documentation of ALL financial resources

• Copies of prior income tax returns

• For all owned Real Property and Income-Producing Property

Health Insurance Marketplace or to File an American Indian Exemption Application: Bring the following documents:

• Member of Federally Recognized Tribe

• Certificate Degree of Indian Blood, Tribal Identification or BIA Form

• IHS Eligibility Letter if unable to provide CDIB, ID or BIA Form

• Birthdates

• Paystubs, W-2s or current Income

• Current Employer Health InsuranceType your paragraph here..



S. A. M. Newsletter 2024

Visit the First Indian Baptist Church of Houston

@ 7937 Mendez, Houston, TX 77029

For more information please text

@ 713-205-3084

Celebrating Native American Indigenous  every day in November. Honoring the resilience, intelligence, and contributions of Indigenous trailblazers who have shaped history and continue to inspire the world.

S. A. M. Newsletter 2025

In February of 2015 The Native American Health Coalition of Houston President Chance L. Landry hosted and held Houston Urban Day of Action with Rick Mueller Health System Specialist, with the office of Urban Indian Health Programs, Health and Human Services, Indian Health Services. (IHS). The two hour event was held at the United Way at 50 Waugh Dr. in Houston. 

The purpose was to give the federally recognized Native American Indian population an idea of how they can take advantage of Obama Care, to explain in detail what Obama Care is, and to give the option for those who want to register and sign up.

The Native American Indian community would like to  thank the speakers from IHS, NCUIH, and NIHB, and all involved in coming to Houston for the ACA event in Houston. 

Just wanted to add that it was stressed that if you already have insurance and are a with a Federally or State Recognized Tribe, you should apply for exemption. Click this link for more details,

According to you can enroll in or change 2021 Marketplace health insurance right now. The 2021 Open Enrollment Period runs from Sunday, November 1, 2020 to Tuesday, December 15, 2020.

The video below does not mention Native American Indians, however it is very informative if you are still wondering what the Affordable Care Act is.  


Your Donations will Educate as long as the Sky is Blue and the Rivers Flow





as long

as the

Sky is Blue

and the

